

We live in a unique time, where people like you and me can take on the huge problems of the world - and fix them. However, we have to start from local challenges: low income, hard to change profession, our common economic future of Estonia.

  • The coronavirus pandemic has had large-scale effects on the Estonian economy and the labor market with registered unemployment jumping by 44 percent to a total of 66,000 unemployed (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's (Töötukassa), Q2 2020). Thanks to our government, we have a number of initiatives to reduce the economic effects of Covid-19.
  • A matter of degree: many university grads never work in their major. I collected a list of reasons (based on an hour spent in TTU and TU lobby interviewing students) why graduates struggle in their job search: wrong decisions in high school, competition, little experience, little networking, luck. Once I dive deeper into dialogue, I understand the real reason, - a student does not present as employable and doesn't know how to sell themselves based on the market standards. It seems like most of them have unrealistic expectations regarding their own abilities and likelihood of success. They underestimate themselves. How to look for degrees that fit with the growing areas of our economy or within an industry in high school?
  • We have our own routine and it's hard to change habits. In the age of attention manipulation and information overload, we reduce our knowledge about the world being in the bubble of imposed habits. On the other hand, most people in Estonia run the risk of getting stuck in one activity, living their lives fighting for food and the well-being of their children, giving themselves completely to one job activity. I interviewed 41 people from Saaremaa, Narva, Tallinn (a group of 30-60 years old, which is more than 40% of the population in Estonia) and found out that most of them dream of another profession, but cannot decide to change due to the risks associated with time for retraining, lack of special skills, or fear of changing routines. Historically we did not have time to adapt to what is happening now and a lot of people are in the risk group.

What we do well? Based on the recent data from Funding, Failures & Exits of Estonian Tech Startups 2006-2020 #EstonianFounders, we have unique skills in fundraise, build companies, and grow the tech job market.